What’s your purpose in this world? Robert Louis Stevenson says, “To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life. Whether you are a senior partner in a large firm, a college dropout aspiring to be the next Steve Jobs, or a humble parent who has stepped off the career track to raise her children, it’s important to step back and take stock of your own life to see if it is headed in the right direction. Think about the level of satisfaction you are currently experiencing in your personal and professional life. Are you truly happy? If you are, then that’s a good sign that you are doing something right. However, being happy right now doesn’t mean you are on track to becoming what you are capable of becoming. Look for these tell-tale signs that you are actually leading a meaningful life and that your life is on track.
1. You have great friends who care about you.
If you have at least one true friend who has your very best interests at heart and who you trust and feel comfortable enough with to raid their refrigerator, then that’s a good sign you are on the right track. People who trust are usually trustworthy themselves. Besides, we all need true friends who will stick with us even when things get really tough.
2. You have a tight, loving and supporting family.
Family is like the roots of a tree. A family with deep-rooted love for one another is a strong anchor in this troubled world. If you have a tight, loving and supporting family, it means you nurture your family relationships well. Healthy family relationships are a good sign you are on the right track. The only people you can be certain will be there for you in the end are family.
3. You have a great job you look forward to every morning.
When you do something you love, you do it wholeheartedly and you do it well. Unfortunately, doing what you love is only a dream for many. Arizona-based firm Ignite reports that more than 95% of workers in the U.S. are in the wrong roles. If you are passionate about your work such that the paycheck is an afterthought, then that’s a great sign your life is on track.
4. You have a reputation that precedes you.
If people know who you are and what you stand for even before they meet you, then that is a sign you are making an impact. You’ve got clout (as far as your reputation goes) when you are good at connecting the dots, pulling together partnerships, making acquaintances, and retaining connections. These are valuable traits that point to a good reputation and a meaningful life. A good reputation is a secret ingredient for lasting success.
5. You have plenty of self-confidence.
A little self-confidence can take you a long way. Steve Jobs was a college dropout, yet he built Apple Inc., one of the most valuable tech companies in the world. Jobs lacked formal technical training and real business experience, but he had plenty of self-confidence. He is quoted as saying that tinkering around in his dad’s workshop as a kid gave him “a tremendous level of self-confidence” that later encouraged him to take on more complex technological projects. If you believe and put in the effort to achieve your goals, you are on track to something good. Keep your spirits high!
6. You have a positive attitude toward life.
If you look on the positive side of things and are not afraid to dream big, then that’s a good sign your life is on track. Successful people are ordinary people who dream big and make big dreams a reality. Ditch negative thoughts and emotions that bring you down like self-doubt. Instead of using negative self-talk like, “I could never do that” or “What if I fail?” encourage yourself with words like “I can do this!” Maintain a sunny disposition throughout and leave no stone unturned to make your dreams a reality.
7. You ask questions and pay attention to the answers.
If you love to learn and weigh different points of views objectively to better understand other perspectives, then that is a good sign you are on the right track. The most successful people in this world are really interested in what others have to say. They surround themselves with the right people and ask for opinions on things. This helps broaden their perspectives, clarify their vision, and inform their decisions. Ask intelligent questions and pay attention to the answers. This will help foster your creativity and spur progress in thought, knowledge, and drive.
8. You don’t micro-manage everything.
If you trust the people around you and their judgment enough to allow them to assume responsibilities, then that is a good sign you are onto something good. Everyone needs a support team to succeed—even the most competent people. Unsuccessful and unhappy people think they can do everything themselves. They don’t see how anyone else can get the job done better than they can. The truth, however, is that no one is good at everything. “Get the barriers out of the way and let people do the things they do well,” says Robert Noyce, founder of Intel.
9. You are a strong, independent, free spirit.
Society likes to serve us up a very narrow interpretation of what it thinks is best for us, while often totally disregarding our truest passions and callings. If you have the courage not only to pursue your passions, but also to defend your truest dreams, then you have the stuff of success. Cultivate a strong, independent, free spirit that is not averse to risk by not being apologetic for who you are. Every one has equal rights to pursue their dreams.
10. You quit bad habits and now have a healthy, productive lifestyle.
Whether it is smoking, cursing or browsing the internet too much, if you finally broke away from your bad habits and now strictly have a measured, healthy and productive lifestyle, your life is certainly on track. As the saying goes, “Your health is your life.” Choose to live healthfully.