1. By Bus

Many visitors consider using one of the many types of buses to travel throughout Kerala. There are over 6,000 buses that transport tourists throughout the state, as well as thousands of schedules and stopping points. In terms of traveling between states, government buses and private inter-state buses are dependable modes of transportation for residents and tourists alike. Booking long-distance travel of specific buses can also be done through various travel agencies or the company website of the particular bus. Other busing options are privately-owned and fare very well. Private buses travel throughout the state as well as to and from Kerala and across state lines. Experienced tourists would recommend to choosing the air-conditioned, Volvo bus service that several companies offer, as these buses are very reliable and high-quality in terms of service.

2. Take the Train

Tourists that would rather travel longer distances along the state of Kerala enjoy the train and the many options for station stops. There are many trains that span the distance between Kochi and Kozhikode with lovely views of the coast, as these routes take you approximately 185 kilometers along the seaside. However, there are many rail lines throughout the state, and several that take passengers either from the central part to the western part or vice versa. Many of the trains are air conditioned for a more comfortable trip, and for those that are not, many travelers opt to travel by night to enjoy a cooler trip. Stopping at a town station or village is convenient when taking the passenger train, as tourists can stop, stretch their legs, and walk amongst the locals while enjoying the many sights and cuisine that each area offers.

3. Enjoy a Taxi Ride

One of the most popular and exciting ways to travel across Kerala is by taxi. Tourist taxis in Kerala are available throughout Kerala and are typically white with a black taxi sign on the back. Regular taxis are readily located throughout the state, in places such as hotels, bus stations, boat harbor areas, the airport, and at train stations. Taxis make exploring the state more convenient for travelers as they can travel from train to taxi and bus to taxi. This mode of transportation may also come in the form of four-wheel drive automobiles, depending on the type of terrain in which the visitor is traveling. Radio taxis are also available from companies such as Fast Cabs, Uber, Ola, CelCabs, and more. All taxis have specific rates which are fixed by the companies in which they are established with. Taxi fares in Kerala vary depending on the companies, travel distance and hours. There are even taxis exclusively for female travelers with more of a “feminine feel” to them, such as She-Taxis in many of the major cities around Kerala.

4. Motorbikes and Cycles

For the more adventure-type enthusiast, motorbikes and cycles are a way to fulfill the cravings of the outdoor feel and scenery. Experiencing Kerala via motorbike allows sight-seers to become closer with what’s known as “God’s Own Country”, which is what Kerala is commonly known to be. Breathing in the fresh air as riders are one with nature, riding along the rainforests and mountainous areas, or tantalizing their senses with the smells of cuisine in the towns are the benefits to taking a motorbike or cycle from place to place. Many companies offer tours in specific packages for bikers, which offers a safer experience, as they guide the riders to and and from each stop. Visitors can take it easy with these chauffeured methods of travel, which is much more reliable and safer than driving a car on their own, especially on rough and narrow roads. Travelling in and around Kerala is a rewarding experience; fortunately this stunning state of India has many travel amenities. All travelers can benefit from the dependable, safe, and reliable methods of transportation in Kerala, whether they are first-time visitors or seasoned travelers. Featured photo credit: shashankshr via pixabay.com