Considering that we spend almost 1/3 of our lives at our working place, it is so satisfying to work with people who make you feel inspired by being in their company. If you want to be productive, fulfilled and feeling happy at your workplace, look for (or become one of) the people who make teamwork great. Who are these types of people?

1. Resourceful people

Resourceful people have the amazing ability to see a solution in just about every problem they encounter. Whenever you present them a problem they seem to be almost happy somebody finally asked them for the solution. They usually start with: “Well, hmm… what can we do here? I see what you mean… Are there any other ways we can look at this? Oh, yes! What if we do it…” , and they are already on their way to finding the best possible solution. Having such person in a team is a blessing. You know there is no place for negativity when working with them because you feel like swearing if you say words like: “It is hard, it can’t be done, why happen this to us”. Resourceful people always make the working process highly productive and inspiring for every team member. When working with them, it won’t be long before everybody in the team is satisfied with their great solution.

2. A visionary

Visionaries usually think in decades rather than days or weeks and have a very clear picture what they want to accomplish in their lives. They truly believe that one man can’t do anything significant so they strongly believe in the team. They always look for the best team, not just any team. Considering this, it might not be the easiest task to work in a team led by the visionary. They are definitely demanding because they have very high standards for themselves but also for the people who they work with. So, where is the beauty of working with the visionary? Working with a visionary you always have a feeling you are working on something big; bigger than yourself. You know that even after you pass away something will stay here as a sign of your teamwork – one of the greatest satisfactions you can have in your life. Stop here for a moment. Just imagine how it feels when you make a mark in your life that other people will remember, because of the improvement you and your team made. Wouldn’t that feel great? A great example of a recent visionary was Steve Jobs of Apple. He probably wasn’t the easiest man on Earth to work with, but people who worked (or still work) at Apple know they created and are still creating products that will be remembered long after.

3. ‘Have fun’ people

‘Have fun’ people are the kind of people who just can’t stand to be serious for more than two hours. They can be still very productive (because they aren’t ordinary joke-tellers) but their ability to enjoy life (and work) is just a part of their personality. Working with them is always a pure pleasure because you know from the very beginning of the project that there is simply no place for stress. Even when a stressful situation appears they’ll find a way to loosen things up by saying a small remark or a comment on how life is beautiful. So, working with ‘Have fun’ people on a project means there will be time for laughing, excitement and even surprise. It is natural for them to bring some funny stuff the the workplace, some things you might not expect – like bringing their little dog into the office or surprising the whole team with a big bucket of ice-cream for the break on a snowy December morning.

4. Doers

Having people who always do and finish their work in a team is a great feeling because you can always count on their promises. Doers are people who keep the workflow of any project running smoothly. They usually don’t talk to you a lot but don’t take it as they don’t like you. The fact is, they don’t talk too much to anybody. Their moment of glory is always the time when they bring their results on time and this is the way they show you some affection. Having a doer in a working group brings a lot of certainty in. They also inspire others to finish their assignment. So, if you are the type of person who has some difficulties finishing things up, try to stick with doers and your results will improve rapidly.

5. Sympathetic people

Have you ever worked in a team where there was a person always taking care that fruit was on the table all the time, or asking you if you need something from the shop? If that was not your secretary (whose work description happens to include all these things) but your coworker, it means you have worked or you still work with a very sympathetic, caring person. Such a person can make a working place as nice as home. As every home needs a caring personality, so too does a nice working environment. They will always make you feel good. Feeling you matter to someone can help with any situation.

6. Focused people

If you like working in a highly effective team you will appreciate working with focused people. They are like drilling machines. If they set on a specific task they don’t like to mess around a lot. Focused people always find solutions because their task become their only purpose in their lives. Being around focused people, you can be sure the energy in the team will always be high. Their attitude is, ‘don’t mess around and let’s get to the point,’ which will automatically exclude all time wasters. If you enjoy what you do, working with focused people is like driving on the highway to success… YES, THERE ARE people who have more than one ability mentioned above. Having a person with one or more of these abilities in the team means you have a very strong reason to wake up enthusiastic every morning and head to your business or workplace with a smile on your face. Why? Because you will become like the people you spend the most time with. Look for the people around you who inspire you, who make you proud of them and of yourself, and work will become a pleasure. Featured photo credit: Hubspot via