The app, called Sleep Better, keeps tabs on how you sleep using features like a customized alarm clock and dream analysis. Confused as to how an app can do this? Sleep Better determines how well you sleep based on your movement in the night, and you input your own data to make the results even more accurate. For instance, you can tell the app how much caffeine and alcohol you have consumed that day, or if you exercised. When you wake up, Sleep Better will ask you questions about your dreams and how you feel. The app will also provide you with data on how you slept, including how long you were in a deep sleep, and how efficient your sleep was.
Cofounder and CEO of Runtastic, Florian Gschwandtner, said: “If we’ve learned anything in recent years, it’s the importance of a balanced, 24-hour approach to overall health and fitness.” The app is available for both iOS and Android devices and is fully intergrated with the iOS 8 HealthKit, a tool that combines health-related data for the user. Many people have tested the app, and the reviews are mixed. Some users comment on the app’s simplicity, while others say that the app is good for tracking your sleep but does not actually help you to sleep better. If you want to download Sleep Better for your iPhone, click here, or click here for Android. What do you think of Sleep Better? Share your opinions below!