To take up critical thinking skills effectively and not to let biases and distractions blind us from thinking right, we should understand what critical thinking really means, and what it takes to become a critical thinker.

The Strategy to Master Critical Thinking

9 Powerful Ways to Train Your Mind to Think Critically

You don’t need to go through a whole course on critical thinking to know how to detect fallacies in everyday life. Here are nine practical ways to train your critical thinking.

How To Overcome Biases And Expand Your Mind

To expand your mind, re-learn how to search for and process information without biases. Here are some very good ways to get over the biases in your head.

How Successful People Think Critically, Instead of Listening to What Others Tell Them

Some effective tools to keep your mind clear and think critically.

How to Think Clearly Without Biases

Confirmation Bias: How It Reinforces Us to Believe the Wrong Things

People with confirmation bias tend to seek information to reinforce their own beliefs. even though the beliefs maybe false. Learn more from the article.

Cognitive Biases That Largely Affect Your Everyday Decisions

There are 20 cognitive biases that can affect our decisions and hinder us from success. Learn more from the article.

Stupid Thinking Errors We All Have Made

Our minds aren’t perfect, and we all have one or some blind spots that block us from thinking objectively. Learn more from the article.

Thinking Mistakes That Block Us From Thinking Clearly

Sometimes, our thoughts are misguided, leading us to reach the wrong conclusions and make the wrong decisions. Learn more from the article.

We Cherish Thoughts That We Think Are Right, and That’s a Problem

We tend to believe that we know a lot, but the truth says the opposite. Learn more from the article.

The Skills You Need to Think Critically

Characteristics of Critical Thinkers and How to Be One

Critical thinking involves analyzing, evaluating, interpreting, problem solving, and questioning. Learn more from the article.

What Makes Critical Thinks Become High Performers

Critical thinkers are guided through life by their own observations, knowledge, and experience, and not be led.

How a Critical Thinker Thinks

Wise Questions Critical Thinkers Ask to Make Right Decisions

There are questions that you can ask yourself to trigger the required cognitive process that critical thinkers have.

The Quick Way to Think Critically and Make the Right Decisions

Successful people know how to make everyday decisions quickly. They also know how to pick out vital decisions that need more time and focus.

What Critical Thinking Can Do to Us

Why We All Need to Think Critically in This Noisy World

Our modern society tends to squash essential critical thinking skills with simple directions, spoon feeding problem solving skills to everyone. Learn more from the article.

Critical Thinking Is the Secret Behind Warren Buffett’s Massive Success

What makes Buffett so successful is that he isn’t willing to be a passive recipient of what he learns, instead, he evaluates all the information he has gone through and form his own insights. Learn more from the article.

How Critical Thinking Differentiates Ordinary People With Outstanding People

We were born similar, but as we grow, we learn from what’s around us and start to think differently. Learn more from the article. Featured photo credit: Stocksnap via